
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Home made Blueberry Jam / Blueberry jelly

    Recently,we went for blueberry picking with saras family.Picked fresh berries in that trip. So started preparing some blueberry dishes out of it . This blueberry in particular was sweet,so the jam tasted awsome. I would always wonder,how they prepare jams in my childhood days.But when I searched for recipe, it was as simple as such.Even a novice cook can prepare it in a jiffy,with some precautions. Actually ,with this measurements, I got almost 800 gm of jam. So you can prepare it in bulk and use it .Sterilization is very important to preserve the jam .Prepared some muffins too with the blueberries.I will post that recipe soon.

1.Blueberries         -      4 cups
2.Sugar                 -      3 cups
3.Lemon juice       -       1 tbsp
4.Lemon zest         -        1 tsp
5.Liquid fruit pectin-        1 pouch

Sterilizing the jars:
* Take a pot of water, boil it .
* Drop the jars into the pot with lids.
* Let the jars boil for 1/2 an hour.

* Off the stove and leave the jars inside.
*  When the jars are warm,take it wipe it and dry it well.Keep it ready .

Preparing the jam:
*Wash and pat dry the blueberries.
* Blend it into a smooth paste in a blender.
* Take a heavy bottomed pan and boilt he blueberry puree.
* When the mixture is reduced to half,dump in sugar.
* Let it disslove in the puree.
* Now add the lemon juice and lemon zest.Give it a stir.
The puree reduced to half                                        Adding the fruit pectin

* When the puree comes to rolling boiling,pour the liquid pectin.
* Turn off the stove within 2 to 5 minutes,as the puree starts to thicken.
* Pour the jam into the sterilized containers immediately, as it starts to thicken.
* Cool the jam completely and store in refrigerator.

Pouring the jam into the jars                                                        Within 10 minutes of adding the pectin,jam started to thicken

* Boil the blueberry piuree well,so that it looses the water and  forms  jelly after adding pectin.If not,the jam will be watery.
* Sterilizing the jars is a must,for keeping the jam preserved for  months.


  1. Home made is the best... Nice flavorful jam Savi

  2. Delicious and colorful blueberry jam.

  3. Well done Savi,nothing will beat the homemade spread, such a catchy jam.

  4. Blueberry jam looks lovely

  5. Yummy and tempting colorful jam...

  6. Wow... this looks tempting and yummy.., looks absolutely delicious.

  7. This is absolutely easy and foolproof recipe.. Hope Rohit enjoyed a lot..

  8. Yummy,looks amazing..

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