
Monday, November 5, 2012

A pictorial guide of making Sree krishna sweets style Mysore pa - / Diwali special /With Step wise pictures

            Who doesn't like mysore pa ? That too,if it is labeled under the most popular sweet shop ,"Sree krishna Sweets" in chennai ,then the number of mysore pa's entering your tummy will be countless.Thier mysore pas will be literally bathed in ghee.I tried this recipe several times and got the same consistancy every time.Already I would have posted this recipe,but with some variations.Like I have altered the ratio of ghee with some oil.But I couldn't take stepwise pictures ,as I was afraid there could be any chance for the mysore pa to go wrong,while I take pictures.But after become confident with the recipe,took pictures,with one hand, the other hand busily stirring the mysore pa.But I couldn;t take the last picture, though I was busy pouring it in the pan.The important tip here is ,keep the ghee always hot ,while pouring it.So here comes the stepwise pictures of making mysore pa - the Sree Krishna (guilty) way :)
Yield : 30 pieces
1 Cup : 160 ml 

1.Besan flour                      -               1 cup
2.Sugar                               -                2 1/2 cup
3.Ghee                                -                2 1/2 cup
4.water                               -                 just to cover the sugar
5.Lemon yellow colour     -                 a pinch

                                         Measure the besan flour and sieve it without any lumps.This is very essential for getting a lump free mysore pa.

      Dry roast the besan flour, till it gives out nice aroma.It should turn into a light golden colour. We can also add few spoons of ghee to fry the besan.Its upto you.Always use a heavy bottomed pan like pressure cooker in preparing mysore pa.So ther will not be any chance for the mysore pa to stick to the pan. 
        Grese a square pan,with ghee all over.If you dont have a pan,just grease a plate with ghee.

  Take a heavy bottomed pan, add sugar and cover it with water.Bring it to boil ,for approximately 5 to 8 mins.Take it in your wet fingure,it should form a string.This is the 1 string onsistancy.To double check it,drop the syrup on a plate,it should be like a pearl,without moving.

                           Add lemon yellow colour to the syrup.and turn the stove to medium low.

     Now slowly add the fried besan flour to the syrup .One hand should be mixing the flour,and the other hand shoul be adding slowly.I know this is hard :).If you are not confident ,then just turn off the stove , add the flour,mix it completely without any lumps and turn on the stove.
Take a pan of water ,bring it to boil.Now place the ghee jar inside the pan.When the ghee is melted ,turn the stove to sim .This will keep the ghee warm ,so when we add to the mysore pa,it will  make it soft.
Mix the mysore pa,without leaving your hands.Add ghee cup by cup .Mix the mysore pa,till the ghee is engulfed in it. At one point of time, the mysore pa, will gather like that of a halwa.That is it will start leaving the sides.Confirm by taking in your wet fingure,and try to roll it,it will roll like a ball.This is the right consistany.Pour it in the greased pan.
When the mysore pa is still warm,slice it through a buttered knife and cut into squares.When it is cooled off completely,take it off and store in air tight containers.Keep it in cool dry place.If your kitchen is warm,better place it in the fridge ans serve them at room temperature.
You can also check the another mysore pa ,recipe with altering the ratio of ghee to be bit guilt free  here, .I always prefer usong home made ghee ,to get a aromatic mysore pa.Here is the link of making home made ghee.


  1. It looks the same as SKS.. perfectly done.. bookmarked !

  2. It exactly looks like krishna sweets Mysore Paa,not the usual pak...yumm yumm

  3. looks sooo soft amazing.. Perfectly done

  4. Wow its exactly KS mysore pak..too gud....yum....great work

  5. OMG ! Its looks soooooo melting... Love it...

  6. wow...
    looks exactly the same dear :)

  7. Absolutely delicious!! Perfect for the season...

  8. Can u pass me atleast one. Drooling here

  9. Prepared it very well,absolutely yumm....

  10. Wow yummy mysore pak,luks super tempting...

  11. Wow perfectly made so elegant and quite tempting !!!!

  12. Wow...mysore pak looks so rich...

  13. Soft & yummm!!! Is the soft version called pa & the harder one called pak?
    Prathima Rao
    Prats Corner

  14. Incredible, super tempting mysorepak Savi..You have done prefectly.

  15. Super delicious Savitha.. Thanks for trying Basbousa from my space

  16. very yummy n so tempting..explained very well.

  17. i tried making it but it became hard like a rock........... :(

  18. I am sorry hear this good girl, may be you would have messed up with taking the sugar syrup.The sugar syrup should be one string consistency.That it ,wne we place the syrup between our thumb and index figure, you should see a string.You can check this ,by dropping on a plate, it should not move and form like a pearl. Try again.


Expert thoughts.