
Friday, February 15, 2013

French Macron / Baking Partner Challenge #7

          When Swathi  sent us the mail about macrons.It had so many tutorials and videos of how to make macrons and their trouble shooting methods.At first,I was too hesitant to try as there were so many failiure stories.But I decided that, I am going to put my heart and soul into it and try.To my surprise ,my first attempt came out very good,except that the size was too big.So I thought,I should give it one more try.So prepared the batter and divided into 2.Added normal food colour powder into one part and added frosting color gel into other part.When I piped ,one batch,it was bit runny,so I decided not to tap them.As it can make the macrons flat.When I piped the second batch,it was firm and I saw some air bubbles in it.So tried to break the air bubbles with a tooth pick,still I couldn't do it.So when I baked ,first batch was baked perfect.But my second batch had cracks becoz of the air bubbles.The tips and tricks provided by our friends in baking partners team was very helpfull.Here I have given a complete post with problem solving methodology. 
      I would like to thank Swathi,Reshmi,Julie,Saraswathi,and all other Baking partners ,for helping me to succeed.
 Source:  Marthaw Stewart (  changed the amount of sugar in the recipe)
  1.  Powdered sugar                      - 1 cup / 125g 
  2. Almond flour                            -   3/4 cup / 75g 
  3. large egg whites,                      -  2/ 60g egg whites (60ml) (1/4 c.) room temperature
  4. superfine sugar                         - 1 tablespoon + 1 teaspoon/20g/30ml
     5.  Pinch of cream of tartar or a pinch of salt

   1.I kept my egg whites in a bowl covered with a tissue paper for 4 days.On the baking day, I kept the egg whites on my counter for an hour and used it.This is called aging of the egg whites.This helps the macrons to get a airy texture.
  2. I made my almond flour at home.Just soaked ,almonds in water for an hour and peeled the skin.Then made the almonds to dry on a paper towel for a day in my kitchen counter. Once they are completely dry,powdered them in the blender and sieved them twice.To save time,we can either dry roast the almonds or bake them in the lowest farenheit ,till they are crisp.But make sure ,they should not change colour.Similarly powdered the sugar .Pulse confectioners' sugar and almond flour in a food processor until combined. Sift mixture 2 times.
3. Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Whisk whites with a mixer on medium speed until foamy. Add cream of tartar or a pinch of salt, and whisk until soft peaks form. Reduce speed to low, and then add superfine sugar. Increase speed to high, and whisk until stiff peaks form, about 8 minutes. Sift flour mixture over whites, and fold until mixture is smooth and shiny.This will take about 50 to 60 strokes.
4.Divide the batter into 2 and add two different color to each part.

5.    Transfer batter to a pastry bag fitted with a 1/2-inch plain round tip, and pipe 3/4-inch rounds 1 inch apart on parchment-lined baking sheets, dragging pastry tip to the side of rounds rather than forming peaks. IF we don't have pastry bag,just use a ziploc bag.Tap bottom of each sheet on work surface to release trapped air. Let stand at room temperature for 30 -60 minutes. Reduce oven temperature to 325 degrees. Bake 1 sheet at a time, rotating halfway through, until macarons are crisp and firm, about 10 minutes. After each batch, increase oven temperature to 375 degrees, heat for 5 minutes, then reduce to 325 degrees.

6    Let macarons cool on sheets for 2 to 3 minutes, and then transfer to a wire rack. (If macarons stick, spray water underneath parchment on hot sheet. The steam will help release macarons.)
7. Sandwich 2 same-sized macarons with 1 teaspoon filling. Serve immediately, or stack between layers of parchment, wrap in plastic, and freeze for up to 3 months.

Method for preparing Ganache:
1.Semi sweet chocolate      -          1/2 cup
2.Butter                                -          1 tbsp
3.Heavy cream                     -          1/2 cup

* Add chocolate into a mixing bowl.
* Bring the heavy cream to boil.
* Pour the milk into the mixing bowl.Add butter.
* Let it sit for 2 minutes.Then stir well,untill heavy cream is combined with the chocolates.
* Cool the ganache for atleast 30 - 60 mins in refrigerator or untill it is set and ready for piping.Transfer the ganache to a ziploc bag .
* Cut the corner of the ziplo bag and squeeze the ganache on the macron.Make sure, we squeeze the filling only small amount in the middle.If not the filling would ooze out and will make a mess.
* Sandwitch another macron.Place the sandwitched macrons in fridge for 24 hours ,then serve.

                                                 Problem Solving  steps:

                                                  When I started to refer many video links and sites which was provided by Swathi,I got so many ideas and problem solving tips.I prepared the macrons 3 times,got success in 2 and one was a failiure.
While preparing the almond flour:
    Always sift the almond flour and sugar powder atleast twice.While making almond powder,make sure the almonds  are dry .If you feel that the almond flour is wet,then keep it on a tray and place it inside the oven for a day,with just light turned on.This will make the flour nice and dry.

Cracked Macrons:
                When the batter is under mixed,then the macrons will get cracks on the shell.The reason is ,air gets trapped into the batter ,which results in the cracks.So mix the batter ,untill its smooth and shiny.The other reason for this,is the flour and sugar powder are not sifted twice.So the small pieces of almonds may get stuck in the batter,which leads to the crack.We can check ,whether the batter is in right consistancy,by these 3 steps.
a. We can check whether the batter is ready or not ,by taking the batter in a spoon and dropping it.It should drop like a ribbon smoothly.
 b. The other way to check the consistany is,make a incision on the batter,within 5 secs,the batter should bind together.
 c.The third way to check the consistancy is,take a spoon of batter and place it on a plate and shake,it should spread.
Flat macrons:
                When the batter is over mixed,then the macrons become flat .So when you see ,that your batter is runny don't panick,slowly pipe it on the tray and don't tap it.Let it sit on the counter for 1 hour ,till its outer shell is non sticky.
Air pockets:
                 When you pipe the macrons,and if you see some air bubbles on some of the macrons,then take a tooth pick and burst it.If not when we bake,it the air trapped in the batter ,try to come out leaving a hole or crack.
Even sized macrons:
               As "Joy of baking "site says,we can  prepare templates to get a even sized macrons.Like take a parchmaent paper and make small circles using a quarter.When we are going to pipe the batter,place the template paper under that and pipe it..This helps us in getting even shaped macrons.

 Sticky flour:
               When we pulse almond flour and sugar,there are chances that the sugar can turn into sticky liquid ,if we pulse it for long.The reason is,heat produced during the pulsing,may cause it to liquidify.
              The ganache,may mess our macrons,when they are not set properly .It should be set for almost an hour in the refrigerator.If you feel that the ganache is too thick,then heat it in the microwave for few minutes and bring it to our desirable consistancy.





  1. Love your detailed explanation! We learn so much from the failures and this recipe has proved that for us :)

  2. Wow macaroons, they look delicious. Nice clicks.

  3. Beautifully color macs and you have explained so well. I am living the color combination

  4. Delicious macrons. Pics are so inviting.

  5. macaroons looks very vibrant and yummy...

  6. wow beautiful macarons,well explained...

  7. you have done very well ...i like ur clear explanation dear...

  8. Well done, love the stepwise pictures too...

  9. So yummy Macron.. Never tried before.. tempted to try

  10. Looks so yummy and perfectly made,love the color dear

  11. looks yummy and very very delectable...

  12. Cuties , love the choclate ganache in macarons..Lovely orange macs.

  13. Gorgeous!
    Macaroons are so difficult to master, you should be proud of yourself!

  14. I like your post Savitha, lot of info and troubleshooting of macacrons. You did very well. I like that orange color.

  15. gorgeous macaroons...

  16. I also thougt I was not able to make the macarons but as you say, I put my heart and soul into it and try. I was a good decision. I like your macs and your photos.
    Best regards from Spain.

  17. Yummy macaroons,detailed post with the tips too!!

  18. Well tried and ur efforts are appreciated and good to see that little feet on macarons..Kudos de

  19. Cute macron,never tried the colour.rompa asathala irukku..

  20. Nice post! I'm sure that with some more practice, your macarons will be perfect and even more beautiful!

  21. Wow...yummy macarons with nice colour and wonderful presentation...

    I loved your tips at the end.

    Thanks a lot.

  22. Great job...Macrons look beautiful...


Expert thoughts.