
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Chocolate mousse / 300 th post / With stepwise pictures

              Today is a special day for me. Happy to publish my 300 th post. My hobby turned passion has reached 300 th post. I have been counting for this for so long. My first 50 and 100 came so fast.But after my pregnancy, everything started to be slow from my side. So reaching 300 th post after all these is a very big deal for me. Today I am going to give the recipe of the most divine and fluffy chocolate mousse. Got this recipe from here  .This particular recipe is awesome and it is also so perfect. This recipe is also called "lover's chocolate mousse" as this is a recipe just for two and will impress your better half immediately. Adding coffee pwdr makes the mousse a very aromatic. 

Servings                   :            2
Preparation time       :            30 minutes
Setting time              :             3 to 4 hours

1.Bittersweet Chocolate   Chips    -               1/3 cup
2.Instant Coffee pwdr                    -                1/4  tsp.
3.Butter                                          -                1 tbsp.
4.Egg                                              -                1
5.Sugar                                           -                 2 tbsp.
6.Vanilla essence                           -                  1/2 tsp
7.Heavy Cream                              -                  1/2 cup
The making of chocolate mousse is very easy, but it needs multi tasking. It can be divided into 3 phases . Preparing the cream, making the chocolate sauce and beating the egg whites. These three phases has to be made simultaneously.
 * Place the blades of the hand mixer and the mixing bowl in freezer for atleast 30 minutes. This will help us to get stabilized cream, without melting ,while beating. After 30 minutes, take heavy cream in that mixing bowl and beat it. Then keep the whipped cream in the refrigerator .Take this ,only when we need this.
* Take a pan of water and let it come to boil. Reduce the flame to medium heat no. Because we need just the steam.Now place ,another bowl without touching the surface of the water. Just the steam ,should touch the bowl. Take chocolate in that  bowl, add butter and coffee pwdr. Chocolate will be melted with coffee pwdr and butter in double boiler method. The chocolate sauce will be shiny and creamy now.Take it off from the stove .
* Separate egg yolk from egg whites. Take another bowl, add 1 tbsp. of sugar and egg yolk. Mix them well with a beater. Now place the bowl on the double boiler and mix it ,till the colour of the egg yolk changes to pale yellow. This way the egg yolk is cooked.

* Now add this cooked egg yolk to the melted chocolate. Add vanilla essence to the mixture. Take another clean bowl ,add egg whites and beat till it gets foam. Now add the remaining 1 tbsp. of  sugar and beat the egg whites till soft peaks ,as shown in picture. don't beat the egg whites till stiff peaks, then the mousse will become dense.We can also add a pinch of salt to make the egg whites stable. But I have not used .

* Now add heavy cream and chocolate mixture to the egg white. Slowly fold in the mixture, so that it is mixed well . Don't mix it too hard, then the air incorporated in it may be lost. Pour the mousse in separate glasses and refrigerate for 3 to 4 hours .I kept the mousse for overnight.

 After setting in fridge for overnight,the mousse will be airy and creamy. Save some whipped cream for garnishing.It will be like melt in mouth dessert.Our guests enjoyed these mousse very much.






  1. Congratulations Savitha... The place setting is indeed romantic..

  2. 300th post!! my!!! i wud tage ages to reach there! congrats dear, and the dessert is sooo lovely. just perfectand airy.

  3. Congrats on ur 300 th post..Personally I love nigella's mousse..this looks superlative..Yum

  4. looks really creamy... congratulations of your 300th post...

  5. Oh gal,congrats on ur 300th post,way to go..Wat a beautiful mousse for the celebration, stunning and irresistible.

  6. Congratulations on your 300 post!! This mousse is definitely on my must try list. lovely pics

  7. Congratulations and what a sinful dessert.

  8. Congrats and I share the happiness you are feeling. This is an awesome finishing for my guests and I am sure they will love it and clean the whole glass of the gorgeous mousse.

  9. Congrats on u r 300th post. Awesome mousse with beautiful clicks.

  10. Congrats on your 300th post, delicious chocolate mousse recipe.

  11. congrats on 300th post.. perfect way to mark the occasion.. so tempting

  12. Perfect way to celebrate,congrats on your 300th post.yummy mousse

  13. I love chocolate mousse Savitha and this looks wonderfully rich and healthy :-)

  14. loved the step by step capture, thanks for the effort, pictures look fabulous

  15. Congrats on completing the milestone! The mousse is just making me hungry now.. :)

  16. Congratulations on completing 300 posts. Lovely presentation. Mousse looks amazing.


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