
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Rasgulla -A soft and fluffy Bengali dessert. -With complete pictures

Packages overflowing with  goodies, carpet got its vcuming, kitchen - ready for Hubby's use,when he comes back, last minute shopping, bidding good byes to friends,attending continuous phone calls these are happening in one day  .My India vacation is yet to start in few hours.Blogging will not be full swing in next 2 months. So please bare with me friends. Enjoy these rasgullas as a farewell dessert.
For rasgulla:
1.Whole Milk                -         4 cups
2. Lemon juice              -         2 tbsp.
3.water                          -         1 tbsp.
4.Ice cubes                   -           10 to 12
For syrup:
1.Sugar                        -           1 1/2 to 2 cups
2.Water                        -           2 cups
3.Cardamom pwdr       -           a pinch
* Take whole milk in a heavy bottomed pan and bring it to boil.Mix lwmon juice with water .Now turn the flame to medium low and start adding the concentrated  lemon juice. Milk will start curdling.
 Continue adding the lemon juice,untill chenna or paneer is separated from the whey.Now turn off the stove and add the ice cubes immediately.This will stop the curdling process and gives a soft texture to the rasgullas.
* Strain the curdled milk in a colander lined by a muslin cloth. Wash the separated chenna / paneer several times in cold water.This will remove the impurities and sourness of the lemon juice.Slightly twist the muslin cloth to remove the excess water and hang it on the tap as shown in picture.Leave the chenna / paneer for about 30 minutes,so that the excess water dripps off.

* Now transfer the strained paneer to a plate.Knead it well for about 5 minutes or until it forms a smooth ball.It should not be too crumbly.If it is crumbly,then we can add few drops of water to bring back the moisture.Divide the paneer into equal sized balls.Meanwhile,take sugar and water in a pan and bring it to  boil.When the sugar comes to a boil,then turn the flame to medium and slowly add the paneer balls one by one.

* Cover and cook for 10 minutes.After 10 minutes,flip the rasgullas and cover and cook for another 15 minutes in medium low flame.Now the rasgullas would have been doubles in size.Turn off the flame and keep the rasgullas in the stove covered for another 10 minutes. This slow cooking process ,makes the rasgullas softer .

* Transfer the cooked rasgullas to refrigerator and serve it chilled.We can also use curd instead of lemon juice.This will give soft texture to the rasgullas.



  1. While I am getting all excited over this lovely sweet, have fun for the next two months. Enjoy the moments.

  2. Wonderful illustrative clicks, thanks for sharing. Love this guilt free rasagollas any time.

  3. Rasagulla needs no time, space or excuse for me to gobble upon. Your prepartion looks awesome.

  4. Soft lovely rasagullas.. Very tempting

  5. Omg..i want one bowl now..they looks so delicious and spongy ..perfectly made..

  6. perfectly done.looks beautiful.

  7. wow prfectly made rasgullas,my fav...well presented...

  8. this looks so yummy... enjoy ur vacation!!!

  9. looking yummy...perfectly done...

  10. Have a safe journey Savi, enjoy ur vacation,juicy rasgullas are simply amazing.

  11. DO YOU THINK, CAN I REALLY MAKE IT?I JUST LOVE ITS ,Thanks for your post.I will review it again.Recipes

  12. can hi have one? this is irresistible

  13. just perfect !! the best dessert ! loved it and nice presentation too. do drop by my space too when u get the time.

  14. Hi Savitha, first time on your blog. very good recipes and descriptive narration. Rasgullas look amazing, every time I think of making them I am already full with some or the other sweet and skip the idea then :P

    Glad to follow you, stay in touch ! :)

  15. wow looks so good my fav sweet. beautiful clicks savitha very nice.

  16. Love the rasgullas. They turned out beautifully. It was nice to read about your Indian Vacation too. Following your blog now. Can't wait to see the rest of it.


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