
Thursday, August 15, 2013

Mosambi Juice / Saathukudi Juice / சாத்துக்குடி ஜூஸ்

      I told to myself "Enough  hibernating Savitha". I couldn't open my laptop or post anything in my site.Yes ,when I came back from India ,I was led into a emotional shock. I would rather describe as emotional shock or block,  than explaining in simple words "Missing India". There in our place, there will be atleast 6 people around me .Excluding the cook, gardner and the drivers. There will be heavy traffic in our area.Here I couldn't spot anyone around me or on the road. Whenever we feel bored, then there will be neighbor kids running around our house. Rohith and Ashwath were pampered with food and fun. My mom used to take us to temples and fairs. To have a silent walk, I will choose our terrace in the late evenings. Walking in the terrace and gazing at the stars is a special moment for me. I am definitely missing this here.
There will be small petty shops near our house and we used to buy chocolates, cookies . Rohith used to enjoy the chocolates a lot. I personally, tried small candies "then mittai", panneer soda and butter biscuit from that shop. These brought my nostalgic memories of the past. Then ,when time permits  , we used to visit "Kutralam" as it is near. Shop around Kutralam and buy some house hold stuffs .I will not miss any chance to buy props in any place.(The luggage was overflowing and struggled to get them thru train to Chennai. That was a different story.:)     
        To add the mazaa, my sis will come from B'lore and be with us with her cute little son.
 After she arrives, then there will be lot of fun with the kids.There will be more fights,complains and tantrums.We have to become judges and solve the problems .On the whole ,my trip was fun filled and memorable.
  Here in US,we will not be able to get mosambis. So when Rohith tried this juice for the first time, he become die hard fan of this juice .So whenever we go out, his order will be to buy the fruit .It will be in our to do list, whoever goes out. Rohith used to bug our cook to make the juice at around 11 am and will finish along with his brother's share :)  Has these cute little juice set at my mom's place,so tried a photo shoot at our bed room.Satisfied with the end result. Here comes the recipe.

1.Mosambi / Saathukudi                   -              3
2.Sugar                                             -              2 tbsp
3.Salt                                                -               a pinch
4.Ice cubes                                       -                crushed
5.Water                                             -                as needed

* Using a juicer, just squeeze out the juice and strain it using a filter.
* Mix it with salt, sugar and ice cubes and serve.
* We can also add some mint leaves to give a minty kick to the juice.
* Serve juice chilled for better taste.



  1. Lovely healthy juice and my favourite too.Nice to read about your India trip.

  2. looks so refreshing,nice clicks Savitha...

  3. Delicious and refreshing to look at juice.

  4. very refrshing one in hot season...lovely cliks..

  5. One of my all time favorites :) makes me thirsty already :) love your clicks

  6. Your Mosambi Juice sounds refreshing and delicious. I'm not too familiar with mosabi but I love anything citrus. :) Hope this juice helps a little with your homesick situation.

  7. very refreshing and all time fav juice :) love all your clicks dear :)

  8. Mossambi juice looks refreshing. Nice clicks.

  9. Can imagine how u will feel Savi, even its happens always for me.Cheer up dear.

    My favourite juice, i can drink a gallon of this juice.

  10. Thanks for sharing..
    The juice is good for health.

    White and Yellow

  11. Super refreshing & healthy juice................


Expert thoughts.