
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Oma podi / ஓமப் பொடி / Sev / Easy Diwali recipes - Step by step

Diwali is fast approaching, so here comes the most easiest savoury for Diwali. As you see, I will be posting so many sweet recipes. Yes I have a sweet tooth. But Ashwath is not a fan of sweets. He always enjoys savoury snack compared to sweet. Oma podi is one among them. H always buys him a packet of oma podi, whenver ,he visits Indian groceries. For , him I prepared this easy oma podi for Diwali. As I am preparing snacks ahead of Diwali, everything is disappearing fast. My Mil is an expert in preparing oma podi. And this is her fool proof recipe. Prepare ,it you will fell in love. 
1.Besan Flour                   -            1 cup
2.Rice flour                       -            1/4 cup
3.Omam / Ajwain seeds    -            1 tsp
4.Butter                             -             1 tbsp.
5.Hot oil                            -             1 tbsp.
6.Salt                                 -              1/4 tsp
7.Oil                                  -               For frying
8.Water                             -               As needed


Soak omam in 2 tbsp of water for half an hour. If you ran out of time, then just dry roast the omam and soak in hot water, this way, omam will be soaked very well. Don't add too much omam, as it may cause bitterness to the oma podi.
Strain the soaked omam and reserve the soaked water.Grind the omam in a motor and pestle. We can also grind it in a mixie. But since this is in small quantity, I grinded in a motor. No need to grind the ajwain seeds to fine paste, just coarse grind is  fine.

Now add the strained water with the grinded omam. Filter the omam water well. Keep it ready.
Now ,take a mixing bowl, add besan flour,rice flour and salt. Mix it well. Mean while heat oil in a pan. It should not be piping hot. When ,we drop a pinch of dough, it should come up immediately.

Now add butter. It should be at room temperature. Make the dough into crumble. Now slowly add the omam water and start kneading the dough. We can also add some more water to the dough. Knead it into a soft dough. Take a tbsp. of hot oil, add it to the dough. This will help us to get crispy oma podis.
Divide the dough into equal sized balls.Take a idiyappam press , grease it with oil. Now add one ball and put it inside. If we want, we can grease the dough with oil too.


Press the dough into thin strands in the hot oil. Don't heat the oil too much, then oma podi will become black soon. We don't need to flip the oma podi, as it is too thin, it will get cooked very quickly. May be within a minute.

When the sound seizes, take the oma podi out of oil. Take the oma podi, carefully from the oil, as it may brake easily.

Strain the oma podi on a hand towel. When it is cooled completely, store in air tight container.




  1. Very inviting and delicious looking podi.

  2. Lovely crunchy snack with the omam flavor.. Beautiful clicks

  3. Crunchy snack with tea is my idea of teatime :)

  4. crunchy, munchy oma podi love it any time, beautiful...

  5. Its my favorite.. Looks so tempting. Lovely clicks

  6. Wow ! Beautifully done.Happy Diwali.

  7. Simply Delicious luking d all cliks.


Expert thoughts.