
Thursday, November 21, 2013

Home made thick Curd / Yogurt / Dahi - Step by step

    Making thick curd , is a very difficult thing in cold Countries. Because we will not have much heat, for the bacteria to culture the milk. Hence we try to create a warmth inside our oven by turning on the light. Even some people will pre heat the oven for few minutes and turn it off. Then they will place the milk to get cultured. Whole milk will yield thick curd. Her I have given step by step for preparing thick curd. Also I have used the cultured curd ,which is from India. Yes you read it right, one of my friend got it from India. She just prepared curd in India, freeze it. Trasferred it to a container and put it into multiple ziplocs. She sneaked in here :) The taste wise it differs from the curd ,we prepare it here. Because ,we have different bacteria in our homeland. So I always take care not to spoil the curd. Then I will not have curd for culturing again.It is always best to use home made curd.

 Ingredients  :
1.Whole milk        -     1 litre / 4 cups
2.Cultured curd     -     1 tbsp


* Take a microwave safe bowl. Pour the milk into the bowl. The bowl should be big enough, so that it doesn't overflow . I have used whole milk, but you can use 2% or 1% milk. Tastewise they are same, except ,they will have lot of whey. That's it.

* Heat the milk in the microwave for atleast 10 - 15 minutes , or till it boils well.Try to heat the milk on a plate. This will hold the milk, which overflows ,while heating.

* Let the milk get cooled well. If we try to add the cultured milk, now then the milk will curdle immediately. So cool the milk for atleast 15- 20 minutes . Now add the cultured milk and mix it well.
 * Now turn on the oven light. This will create a warmth in the oven .This will help the milk to get cultured well. But this is not necessary in tropical countries, where the milk is cultured on the counter itself ,because of the heat.
 * Milk will be cultured to curd within 5 to 6 hours or overnight. If we culture them longer, then the curd will become sour.Once the milk is cultured into curd, then store it in the fridge . Use it whenever needed.

Notes :
* Similarly, we can heat the milk on the stove and cool it.
* Always reserve some of the curd in a separate container for culturing again.
* Here in U.S, we have milk which has been pasturized already. So I have just heated. But If you don't get pasturised milk, then heat it properly for the bacteria to get killed.


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