
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Mozzarella In Carrozza / Kids Lunch box ideas - IFC #3 - Step by step

Mozzarella in Carrozza, is a very famous Italian dish, where cheese is stuffed in the bread slices and coated with egg and deep fried. The cheese melts and oozes out ,when we slice the bread slices. This dish has another name "Mozzarella in a Carriage" , as cheese is placed in a carriage. When I first saw the recipe, I hesitated a bit ,as it has not have any spices. So I changed the recipe according to my taste buds. Kids will just love this dish . Rohith enjoyed his meal. Thank you Priya for this wonderful recipe. We thoroughly enjoyed this challenge
1.Bread slices               -         4
2.Cheese slices             -         4
3. Pizza sauce               -         2 tbsp.
4.Egg                            -          1
5.All purpose flour       -          1/4 cup
6.Pepper pwdr              -           1 tsp
7. Bread crumbs           -           1/4 cup
8.Basil leaves               -            1 tbsp. (crushed)
9.Salt                            -             1/4 tsp
Take the bread slices and using a round cutter, cut into circles. I have used a bottle lid to cut the bread. 
                                           Now place the trimmed bread slices on a plate.

Spread the pizza sauce on one of the bread slice. Arrange the cheese slices 2 on each bread. Trim the cheese on the corners, so that the cheese is not protruding outside. The reason is, cheese should not ooze out ,while frying.Since, I didn't have mozerella, used the normal cheddar cheese for my sandwitch.It works fine.

Now close the bread with the "pizza spread" bread. We can also use pasta sauce or just ketchup. It just infuses some taste. 
                                    Take a plate, add the all purpose flour on the plate.

Just ,dust the bread on the flour on all its sides.
                        Take a bowl, add egg ,salt and little pepper powder. Whisk it all together .
  Take the bread slices ,coat them with egg on all its sides. Let it rest for a while.If you are a vegetarian, then skip this step and make a paste of all purpose flour and water. Dip the sandwitch into this batter, roll them on the bread crumbs and fry them.

       Take a plate, add bread crumbs,salt, crushed basil and remaining pepper powder . Mix it together .Since I made bread crumbs, using my wheat bread, it become bit brown. You can use normal bread crumbs ,which gives golden brown. If you don't have bread crumbs, just skip this step and fry them after dipping in the egg.

                   Coat the bread slices with bread crumbs. Tap off the excess bread crumbs.
Take a pan of oil .Heat it to high flame for 5 mins and bring the flame to medium. Drop the sand witches into the oil.
Flip the sanwitch and cook the other side.Once,the sandwitch is cooked to golden brown, take it out and strain it on a paper towel.

 Slice the sandwitch and serve with ketchup.

* Fry the bread slices carefully, if not cheese will come out and make it messy.
* We can use any cheese, but mozzeralla gives the perfect texture.
* Alter the spices according to your taste buds.
* We can alter egg with a paste made of all purpose flour and water and dip the sandwitch into it.


  1. Looks delicious love that you used cheddar cheese.

  2. Wow Savi, loved ur addition.. Especially the basil touch.Looks fabulous.

  3. very beautiful and super tempting Savitha....

  4. Healthy and easy kids meal.. Thanks for sharing

  5. I first thought it is a cutlet..Looks good..Thanks for trying ..

  6. Simply awesome to look at Mozzarella in carrozza. Must have been a super hit during the meal.

  7. am sure you all are going to kill us with these mozzarella recipes for the next few days. so wonderful.

  8. Thats a nice idea. Kids will definitely love it

  9. G'day Savita and this looks delish, true!
    WISH I could come through the screen and try one right now too!
    Cheers! Joanne
    Viewed as part of IFC

  10. Lucky kids !! :) the sandwiches look so so tempting, I could just grab one from the screen itself

  11. Superb, quite tempting dish...lovely clicks as well.

  12. Italian dish looks awesome, it is a kid delight

  13. Is there any replacement for egg. please suggest. i would love to try this :)

  14. Savitha, i found it.will try and let u know :)


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