
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

சத்து மாவு / How to make Ragi Malt powder at home / Sprouted grains porridge for kids

      Ragi malt is a  mixture of different grains, which are sprouted first, dried, roasted and then milled to a fine powder. This process may tend to be lengthy, but it is worth the pain. My mom is making this powder for the past 20 + years. Every time, she makes, I smell the same aroma and same taste. Nothing has changed, its her "Kai Pakkuvam", means her experience.We grew, drinking this drink and now our kids are drinking this tasty and healthy drink. Since, the grains are sprouted and powdered, it is very healthy. She used to dry them in our terrace, where we get lot of sunlight. This strict drying process, ensures us to have a clean and secure ragi malt ,which can be stored for months. 
       Whenever ,I go for vacation, I pack this wonderfull powder and use it   6 months - 1 year for  sure, here in US. When I went to vacation last year, clicked these pictures, while my mom was busy processing. Unfortunately, didn't take the pictures of the grains. Next time, when I go to India, will take complete pictures and update this space. I always see this ragi malt powder, which packed with nutrition and love from my mother. I always wonder about her hard work. When summer arrives, she will prepare vathal,vadagam,lemon pickles,tomato pickle, mango pickle and store it for the entire year. Everything ,from start to finish , within 2 months ( April - May). I am nothing ,compared to my mom. She does everything from scratch, no short cuts. I just documented this wonderfull recipe, for my future use or my next generation to adapt and follow. Since our ancestors ,didn't document so many rare recipes, we are left out with so many junk foods.This blog is a documentation of  "What I enjoyed eating" and "What, I enjoyed cooking". Hope this helps my next generation .



In Tamil 


Green Gram
Roasted  gram
Pearl Millet
Cardamom pods

பச்சை பயறு
பொட்டு கடலை

1 Kg
1/2 Kg
1/4 Kg
1/4 Kg
1/4 Kg
1/4 Kg
1/4 Kg
1/4 Kg
100 gm
100 gm
25 gm
100 gm 

* Start the preparation in the morning of Day 1. Wash ragi,wheat,green gram,millet and pearl millet well. Soak these grains in water in separate bowls. 
* At the end of the day (night), take the grains out of water and tie them separately in clean wet towels .The wet towels help, the grains to sprout. Tie the towels using separate threads and hang them . This will make the excess water to drain from the towel. 
* When we open the towel in the morning of day 2, the grains would have sprouted well. Take them out and dry them on clean towels in open space . The grains should be dry . During summer, the grains will dry quickly .
*  Now start roasting the sprouted grains one  by one. Dry roast the rice,roasted gram,almonds,cashews,sago ,peanuts separately.
* Combine all the grains and nuts . Let them cool completely. The grains should not be hot, while grinding.Powder them well in a Flour Mill. Let the powdered ragi malt, cool completely. Store them in air tight containers.

* The sprouted grains should be dry ,while roasting it. If not it will not stay fresh for longer time. Always dry them in hot and dry place , under direct sunlight.
* We can add some pistachios also, its optional.
* Cardamom pods has to be added very less, as it has strong flavour.
* Ragi malt powder has to be stored in clean containers, if not bugs will infest them.
* Don't skip the sprouting process, as it increases the nutritious values of the powder.
* We can also try to powder them using mixie, but it may not pulse it well.

                                                     To make Ragi malt for kids !!!

1.Ragi malt powder          -        2 tsp
2.Milk                              -        1/2 cup
3.Water                            -        1 cup or as needed
4.Sugar                             -         1 tsp
5.Salt                                -         a pinch

* Take a bowl, add ragi malt powder and water. Let the ragi malt powder combine well with the water .We can alter the consistancy ,by adding more or less water. Cook the mixture in medium heat , mixing them in between.
* When the ragi malt is cooked well, it thickens. Turn off the stove ,add milk, sugar and salt.
* Serve these healthy ragi malt for all ages. 
* We can also skip sugar and serve these for adults too. A power packed breakfast for all.

Linking this to "Tamizhar Samayal Tuesday" started by "Nalini Suresh"


  1. Highly nutritious and my kind of food,ragi malt is just inviting me.

  2. Healthy and nutritious ragi malt, love it.

  3. looks so yum! one of my 2nd son favourite food!

  4. yummy..even i pack this yummy mix whenever i go India....

  5. Yes savitha .Amma pakkuvam namaku var a nal agum thane.Ragi malt preparation super, Sprouting makes it even more healthier .My pati make diff sathu mavu .

  6. Healthy and wholesome looking raagi powder.

  7. Such a power packed health powder..Love the pic dear.. Same Pinch Even I get this powder from my mum.. Mum's are always wonderful....

  8. useful recipe and well explained. great effort.


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