
Sunday, February 15, 2015

Home made dulce de leche - DIY Dulce de leche - Spanish Caramel - Step by step

       Dulce de leche is a called milk candy or caramalised milk in Spanish. It is a very creamy mixture, which can be used as fillings for cakes or on toasts. We can also serve dulce de leche  on top of panckes and waffles.It is also called milk jam. We can make very cost effective dulce de leche , by cooking milk in very low flame for almost 2 hour.There are some procedures,where condensed milk is used . Dulce de leche will thicken ,when we refrigerate,so cook it accordingly.This I made in Plymouth. It was sitting in my draft, Prepared the post today. Enjoy your days with these simple dulce de leche.

Recipe Source : Alton Brown
Preparation time : 5 mins
Cooking time : 2 hours
Yield : 1 cup

1.Whole Milk -  4 cups
2.Sugar - 1 1/2 cups
3.Vanilla essence - 1/2 tsp
4.Baking soda - 1/2 tsp


* Take milk in a sauce pan. The pan has to be heavy bottomed and preferably non stick. Bring the milk to boil in medium heat. Now add sugar to the sauce pan. Let it get dissolved in milk. This will take about 5 to 10 mins. Now turn the flame to low.
* Once the sugar gets dissolved in milk, add the baking soda to the milk.Fat will start depositing at the sides of the pan. Don't scrape and add it to the milk. Stir the milk in between. After an hour, the milk would have changed to amber colour.
* Now the milk will slowly turn to dark brown colour. Always use whole milk, to get a thick dulce de leche. Approximately, after 2 hours, the mixture will reach the right consistancy. It would have reduced to 1 cup. 

* When the mixture is warm, add vanilla essence.Strain caramel through a strainer ,into a clean bottle. Store the dulce de leche, in refrigerator. When needed, just scoop out some and apply it on cakes ,toasts etc.

* Whole milk will yield dulce de leche quickly.
* Always cook the mixture in low flame, if not the mixture will change colour too quick.
* The dulce de leche will thicken ,when refrigeratored, so cook it accordingly.
* We can also freeze the dulce de leche.
* It  tastes heavenly, when we serve dulce de leche with cakes and toasts.


Expert thoughts.