
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Carrot Halwa

Carrots are rich in vitamin A,dietery fibre,anti oxidants and minerals.It helps to improve eye sight and can be eaten raw or cooked. Carrots are believed ,to have come from Afghanistan.
Carrots are used in salads,rice and puddings.Carrot juices are made from fresh carrots and marked as a healthy beverage.

Carrots come in different colors. In north india, carrot or gajjar ka halwa is very famous and they are prepared from redish orange carrots.This gives a unique color to the dish.
Grate the carrot after peeling.Make sure that u grate it in the larger holes of ur grater , bcoz carrots shud not be disfigured.I have taken 4 cups of carrot, 1 cup of sugar, 1 cup of milk,1/4 cup of ghee, pinch of cardamon pwdr and 1/4 cup of condensed milk.Milk and sugar can be increased, depending on ur taste.1 tbsp of cashews and 1 tbsp of raisins for garnishing.

Take a pan and pour some ghee .Fry the raisins till they r blown like balloons and fry the cashews untill they r golden. Keep it aside.In the same pan roast the carrots for few min and pour the milk. Let the carrot boil 8 to 10 mins or until they r cooked.Add sugar and mix it well.U can see the above pic, where sugar melts into carrot mixture.Now turn ur stove to medium heat and let all the moisture gets evaporated. This is the point, where carrots are smooth- not watery, add the condensed milk and stir it for 2 mins and turn off the heat.

Leave the halwa for cooling and transfer it to a container.U can garnish it with, cashew,raisins,pistas even almonds.

Here is my southern gajjar halwa is ready with a wide smile.................he he he :)
Carrot Halwa

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