
Sunday, September 26, 2010

garlic chutney

This dish is my mother's delight. It goes well with idli,dosai,chapathi,adai and all bread varieties.I remember my school days, where we used to have it with hot,soft idlies as our Break fast.My mom prepares it really hot , that u cannot eat it without sesame oil poured over it.The tangy taste of garlic and the spicy chillies enhance the chutney's flavor.Wow it just take me thru my school days.
As it is said food always connects our life and remembered along with instances.......


1.Garlic - 5 to 6 pods

2.Red chillies - 4 to 5

3.tomato - 1

4.mustard seeds

5.curry leaves

6.salt to taste

7. A pinch of hing


* Throw all the ingredients from 1 thru 3 in a blender.

* In a heated pan of oil , add mustard seeds and tamper it with curry leaves.Add a pinch of hing

* Add the grinded mixture into the pan and saute, until the raw smell is gone

Serve it hot with idlies....... it will be yummy!!!!!!!!


Garlic shud be dominating the dish. so use little amt of tomato.

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