
Thursday, May 10, 2012

Wheat Sheera / Wheat flour Halwa / Godhumai Halwa - A celebration of my blog crossing 2,00,000 hits today

       My  blog baby has crossed 2, 00, 000 hits today. Thats a very big milestone for me . I am very happy to share this  with all my friends and fellow bloggers . My part time hobby ,has become my full time passion now . Yes, I feel like I am ,virtually meeting all my fellow bloggers ,thru this blogging community. I am thanking all my friends ,fellow bloggers and my well wishers ,who was there with me throught this blogging journey,and made me to attain this . Will continue to post new recipes in different cuisines,hence forth.
      Wheat sheera or wheat flour halwa is a very popular Maharashtrian dessert. This is a very easy and simple to make dish. The ingredients required for this sweet are readily available in our pantry and we need not run to the shops . Within few minutes,we can prepare this sweet,and give it to our surprise guests. This sweet was introduced to me by our dear aunty " Shanthi Saboo " in Tiruvellore,near Chennai.
      I have fond memories about this sweet. When we were there, during our childhood,Aunty will prepare this dish as a prasad for poojas.  I doesnt know the name or exact measurements for this sweet. Only thing I know about this sweet is,it is made of wheat. But the taste in my memories ,made me to go for a recipe hunt ,long back. Luckily,when my dear blogger  friend,Geetha  of "En samayal araiyil"posted her recipe in her ,blog. I decided to prepare this dish immediately.Her measurements ,made me to prepare the sweet exactly ,as my aunty made. Thank you Geetha for ur recipe. You can check her recipe here. she has a wonderful space,where we can see lot of healthy recipes. I have bookmarked many of her dishes.

1.Wheat Flour - 1/2 cup
2.Sugar - 3/4 cup
3.Ghee - 1/2 cup
4.Water - 1 1/2 cup

* Take a pan,add ghee and make it hot.
* Slowly add the wheat flour and mix it with the ghee.Let it cook thoroughly.
* Make sure ,it does not get any lumps.
* Mix the flour, untill it turns golden brown.
* Heat the water ,but dont boil it.We can also use the microwave and heat it for 2 mins.

* Now add  sugar ,hot water together and mix it.
* The mix will start giving out large bubbles.
* Now mix it in intervals.
* After 2 to 3 mins,the sheera will start coming out like halwa.
* Transfer it to a serving bowl and enjoy.

* The sheera ,will be dark brown colour,when we fry the flour in ghee for some more time.But I like light I have not fried the flour to dark brown.
* The amount of ghee should be equal to the amount of wheat flour,if not it will not be that tasty.
* We can also take half ghee and half cup oil.
* The given measurements will yield a larger quantity of sheera.
* Its wise to use a wide pan,as the sheera will start giving out bubbles .So if it is a small pan,then there are chances for the sheera to spill out.


  1. Congrats dear...Sheera looks yummy...

  2. Congratulations dear great achievement....n nice and healthy sweet!

  3. Congrats dear...sheera looks delicious !!!

  4. That is a HUGE milestone Savitha. CONGRATULAIONS!!!.. Wish you many more and yummy halwa!!!.. looks delicious :)

  5. Many congrats di..I've also made this when we were in Chennai..Yet to post.. Kalakura Savi..

  6. Wow ! Congrats... Thanks for sharing this recipe...

  7. Congrats dear... and keep up the good work...Sheera looks delicious

    Hamaree Rasoi

  8. Congrats Savitha, thats really wonderful and keep on rocking..Sheera looks fantastic,yummy and healthy.

  9. Congrats Savitha, sheera looks so delicious and tempting.. lovely shots too !!
    Indian Cuisine

  10. Congrats Savitha..:)) Halwa looks yummy..:) Good luck for more achievements..

  11. congrats savitha,halwa looks tempting!!

  12. Wow Savitha, that's amazing, keep rocking. That sheera looks awesome !!!

  13. Congrats Savitha!! Sheera looks yumm..

    Prathima Rao
    Prats Corner

  14. hearty congrats, savi :) and the sheera looks way yummy! love the pan too :) Happy mother's day dear

  15. Congrats on your milestone.Sheera looks so tempting.

  16. this one is so new to me.look sso tempting. nice recipe


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