
Monday, October 8, 2012

Chum Chum - A bengali delicacy / Celebrating my blog's 2nd anniversary

         During the end of sep 2010 ,I started this blog,where I started posting pictures,which I took to show it to my parents,that I too can cook :) My friend Ramya,introduced me to this blogging world and taught me how to create posts. Now when I turn back through the journey, I travelled in this virtual world which  taught me a lot.Cooking and photography,both has improved a lot,because of blogging. I am not bragging, but its my confession. But after Ashwath's birth,I have contained to one post a week,as I could not find ample time to take pictures and post .Now a days,started taking pictures when H is at home and then posting them.In the midst ofheavy work,I am enjoying this hobby turned passion.Hope will not leave this passion.
         I prepared this sweet for my mom.She love it and thoroughly enjoyed this.

For the paneer
1.Milk              -             4 cups or 1 litre
2.Lemon juice  -             1/4 cup
3.Water             -             2 tsp
4.Orange colour -            few drops (optional)

For the syrup:
1.Sugar             -              2 cups
2.Water             -              5 cups

For garnishing:
1.Dessicated coconut -      2 tbsp
2.Raisins                    -       few
3.Saffron                    -       a pinch
Preparing the paneer:
* Take a heavy bottomed pan ,add milk and bring it to boil.
* Mix the lemon juice with water.
* When the milk comes to rolling boil,add the diluted lemon juice .
* Keep adding the lemon juice,untill the milk is curdled.
* The milk should be curdled completely .
* Take the curdled milk and strain it.
Washing the paneer in running water
* Now we will get the paneer in the wash cloth,with the whey separated from it.
* Wash the paneer in running water and rinse it.
* This step is essential in removing the lemon flavour from the paneer.
* Drain the paneer for half an hour ,by tying the wash cloth and hang it in a hook.

Tying the paneer in the wash cloth

* After half an hour,remove the wash cloth and place the paneer in a plate.
* Now to check the paneer is ready,take a small portion of paneer and rub in ur hand for about 10 to 15 minutes and it should form a smooth ball.This is the correct stage for paneer.

A perfect paneer!
* Now knead the paneer for about 5 minutes into a smooth soft dough,which doesn't stick to your hands. If you think that the paneer is crumbly,add few drops of water to make it perfect.* Add few drops of orange food colour to the paneer and knead it.
* Divide the paneer into 8 equal sized balls and shape them into oval.

Preparing the syrup:
* Take a wide pan,add water  and bring it to boil.Now add the sugar and stir to dissolve it well.As the chum chums will double in size,make sure we cook it in a wide mouthed pan.
* Add the paneer balls tothe syrup and bring it to boil.Then turn it to medium and cook it covered for 10 minutes.
* Now flip the chum chums and cook it for 15 more minutes in medium heat.
Check the paneer is cooked well.A perfect chum chum will have pores in it.Now turn off the heat and let the chum chums sit for 10 minutes in the syrup.
* Once the chum chums are cooled,take it out from the syrup,roll and serve it chilled.

Garnishing :
* Take dessicated coconut in a blender and pulse it .
* Once the chum chums are taken out from the syrup,roll it on the coconut and garnish with raisins.
* Sprinkle some saffron strands.

* Wash the paneer thoroughly,in running water to eliminate the sourness from the lemon juice,if not the paneer will have a tangy taste .
* Don't remove the moisture completely from the paneer.If you feel the paneer is crumbly,then go ahead and add some water.
* Adding food colour is optional.
* We can also use fresh coconut,but make sure we finish those chum chums very quickly



  1. congrats savitha and chum chum looks fav...

  2. Congrats...:)
    Chum chum looks tempting and delicious...

  3. congrats Savitha. the chumchum looks wonderful.

  4. Congrats! all the best for many more to come.. Chum Chum looks great!

  5. many many heart congrats dear ...these chum chums looks wonderful it
    Super Yummy Recipes

  6. Congrats!!! And these are soft, delicious chum chums..

    Best of luck for many more wonderful milestones..

    Prathima Rao
    Prats Corner

  7. My dad was in Calcutta for sometime and he always go hoo haa about Chum chum and finally when I had a taste of it i totally understood why my father was soo crazy abt it:-)Looks soo perfect Savi..And happy 2nd anniversary!

  8. congrats dear and like your clicks :)

  9. Congrats Savi,way to go dear..Wat an excellent and droolworthy sweet to celebrate this incredible celebration, enjoy.

  10. Absolutely divine. Awesome clicks dear.

  11. Congrats dear :)
    Chum chums looks so tempting and perfect.. Awesome job :)
    Indian Cuisine

  12. Congratulations Savitha! That looks great, mouthwatering here!

  13. Congrats dear,perfect way to celebrate,looks divine.

  14. Congrats savi and that sweet is perfect for the occasion

  15. Congrats savitha.. Looks delicios..

    Participate in My First Event - Feast of Sacrifice Event

  16. Congrats Savitha..Perfect treat for celebrate. Keep rocking..

  17. I love the valuable info you supply in your posts. I like your writing style.


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