
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Kezhvaragu Koozh with kothamalli thuvayal / Finger millet porridge with cilantro chutney

 Today Day 1 of week 3 of BM#27.Throughout this week,I will be posting recipes under the theme " Seasonal".Today I chose "Kezhvaragu koozh or Ragi porridge for the "Summer".There are so many natural coolers ,to be drunk instead of Sodas.My mom is very strict in this and will cook natural foods on a regular basis.When I got ragi flour,prepare this ,with my mom's directions.This koozh can be prepared ahead of time and consumed regularly.When we need to make these,just take a small amount,mix it with buttermilk and salt.Have it with any spicy curry or chutney.Today I have given the recipe for cilantro chutney.
 I still remember the road side shops at Erode Bus stand,which sells these porridges in glasses.There will always be a crowd,wanting to drink it instead of sodas.The price is less ,but the health benefits are more.So avoid drinking sodas,choose these kind of health drinks.

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM#27
1.Ragi flour /Finger millet flour         -              1 cup
2.Raw rice                                           -              1/4 cup
3.Buttermilk                                        -               1 cup
4.Salt                                                   -                1/2 tsp
5.Water                                                -                as required
6.Small onions                                     -                hand full
 * Take the ragi flour in a mixing bowl,add little salt and mix it with water to form a batter.This batter can be like our idli/dosa batter.Just ferment it overnight in a warm place.I kept it in my oven with just  the light on.When we open the bowl in the morning,the batter would have risen and will have a ferment smell.This step is very necessary.If not our koozh will not be that tasty.Below you can see my fermented batter.

* Take a blender or mixie,run the washed rice coarsely,untill it is broken well.Keep this aside,we need this,when we cook koozh.Take a pan or heavy bottomed wok.Add water and bring it to boil.Now add the broken rice and cook ,till the rice collapses ,when we press it slightly.Now pour the fermented batter into the pan.Mix it wel and cook it in medium flame.

* The porridge,will start thickening and reduce in its volume.Mix the koozh with a stick.Yes , you read it correctly.Usually my mom uses a round stick to mix the koozh.This way,it is easy to mix than using a laddle.
* We can check the porridge,whether it is cooked or not,by checking it by our wet fingures.If the koozh is sticky,then it is not done.When the koozh is cooked well,it will not stick to our wet fingures.
* Cool the koozh completely .When we need it,just take a small amount of this cooked koozh ,mix it with buttermilk ,salt and crushed small onions.We can serve this koozh with Mochakottai karuvattu kuzhambu or simply green chillies or any spicy curry.

Kothamalli thuvayal / Cilantro chutney:
1.Cilantro                             -        2 bunches
2.Red chillies                       -        5 to 6
3.Tamarind                           -        small gooseberry size
4.Urad dal                             -        1 tsp
5.salt                                      -        to taste
6.Oil                                      -         1 tsp

* Wash and clean the cilantro.Don't remove the stem from the leaves.Take a pan,add oil saute urad dal,red chillies till golden brown.Keep it aside.Now add the cilantro and saute it till it changes colour.
* When we are about to take it from the flame,add the tamarind and saute it well.Cool everything completely.Now grind it in the blender ,till they turn into smooth paste.Add salt to the thuvayal.Serve with koozh We can also temper some mustard seeds,urad dal and add it to the thuvayal for added taste.


  1. Delicious ragi kooz Savitha, I like these kind of traditional recipes a lot.

  2. delicious koozhu dear :) my neighbor used to make and give us i used lick the glass full:) looks so yumm and like the way you have used the earthen dishes.. looks really authentic :)

  3. Healthy khoozh and nice explanation..

  4. Love this natural and healthy body cooler, my all time favourite,lovely props Savi.

  5. wow my fav,luking for the recipe for long...thanks for sharing!!!too gud presentation...

  6. Healthy koozh n also in my lists of things to do this summer..neatly explained..loveit

  7. New dish for me and looks amazingly healthy

  8. Yup Raagi is natural coolant. Perfect for summers.

  9. OMG ! What a healthy and tasty combo ! U r tempting me badly...

  10. OMG I loved your clicks, notthing to say about the recipe...a killer one. Such a healthy one.

    Bookmarked and want to make this, I love FM in any form.

    Gr8 job.

  11. Now this is something I have never heard of. Sounds very very interesting. Love the way you have used earthenware to serve the dish :)

  12. Yummy and healthy. First time your blog am following u . glad if u will follow me back

  13. very healthy drink,super cooler,loved u r presentation

  14. The chutney is so heavenly and yes, what a perfect pairing with the raagi.

  15. Like your colour coordination ...the pictures look very nice..and such an healthy dish as well!

  16. Looks great the combo and pics

  17. Innovation.. Very new for me.. Never heard about this
    Thanks for sharing with us.

  18. A fabulous way to start the day Savitha :-)

  19. looks so awesome,nice tempting clicks.

  20. Wow what amazing pictures. Love the coordination and the combo is awesome.

  21. lovely combination, never had this kind of porridge with any gravy or chutney

  22. Very healthy breakfast for the summer

  23. Healthy porridge;looks very tasty!!

  24. I havent had this before, but planning to make this soon. Thanks for explaining the steps clearly!

  25. Lovely and healthy koozh, just like how my MIL makes. Thanks for sharing. I am happily following you, will be happy if u follow me back.

  26. Its totally healthy, and absoulte cool dish....


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