
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Cream Au Chocolate - Baked chocolate - Step by step - HBC

    Home baker's challenge, gave us French recipes this month. Among the recipes , I picked this baked chocolate , as my son is a chocolate lover. This is very easy recipe and should have the chocolate within 1 day, if not it may loose its creamy texture. Priya of "Priya's Versatile recipes" gave us this month challenge. The sugar level was not enough for me ,so increase the sugar level according to your taste. This dessert is a party pleaser too.
Recipe Source:
100 grms Dark chocolate (chopped roughly)
3nos Egg yolks
1cup Fresh cream
1/2cup Milk
2tbsp Powdered sugar  or according to your taste.
* Take the milk,cream in a vessel and bring it to boil.

*Once they starts boiling remove it from the flame and add in the chocolate.

* Stir it until the chocolate gets well melted. 
* Meanwhile in a bowl, beat the egg yolks with sugar.
Slowly add the chocolate cream mixture to the egg yolk mixture and beat until they gets well mixed.

* Strain this mixture and pour it in ramekins or else in small bowls (which fits for baking)
Preheat the oven to 340F.
Bring boil 2cups of water in a vessel, pour this hot water in a tray and place the ramekin in it.
Bake for 30-35minutes.

* Let it cool completely, wrap it and place in fridge for atleast two hours.
Enjoy this cream with some whipped cream or else with some caramel bites.
* You may see the creme not cooked in the center after baking, dont worry they will turn hard once they gets chilled.
* Don't bake this cream more than 30-35minutes, else they will get harden later and wont taste good.
* Egg yolks need to be at room temperature.
* You can add sugar more or less as per your need.
Linking this to "Home baker's Challenge" created by Priya Suresh.


Expert thoughts.