
Saturday, September 20, 2014

Easy Green plantain chips - வாழைக்காய் சிப்ஸ் - Weekend Special - step by step

              I was on a long vacation to India. It was the most awaited wedding of our family. It was my brother's wedding. He is a Radiologist married to a Gynec. Yeah both of them of interconnected field. The marriage preparations started 2 months back and was a big fat wedding.`The wedding card distribution and shopping were on full swing, when I landed in India on july 9th. One week before, the marriage,we all gathered at our home +Tirunelveli . It was a fun filled 7 days. There will be food prepared in bulk at one side, kids playing at the other side, adults playing cards on the couch. The house was busy all the time.I prepared a big pot full of mutton biriyani for the guests. It was always a pleasure to be surrounded by our kith and kins. I wish I could write a separate post about the wedding. But indeed, I am running out of time. So in a nutshell, India vacation was so hearty.
       Coming to the recipe, green plantain chips is a very easy snack,which can be prepared without any hassle. It works great for small parties. The key in getting crunchy chips, is the thickness of the green plantain. I didn't have any slicer to slice the green plantain. Just used my peeler and sliced it. To my surprise, it came out so thin. The plantain should not have any moisture, while frying, if not it will not turn crispy. These 2 key points will guide to get a crunchy snack. This was in my draft ,just posting it to catch up with u people. So bored to prepare something new and click. Will catch you guys later with more interesting recipes.

Preparation time : 15 mins
Cooking time :      10 mins
Yield : 200 gm (approx)

1.Green plantain - 1 (big)
2.Salt - as needed
3.Red chilli powder - 1 tsp
4.Oil - for frying

* Wash the green plantain and peel the skin. Slice the green plantain using a slicer. Since I didn't have slicer, used my peeler to slice the green plantain. Peeler works great and slices the green plantain thinly.
* Take a bowl of water and immerse the green plantain in it. This will prevent the plantain from getting dark colour. 
* Take a hand towel and dry the green plantain on it. This will remove the excess moisture from the green plantain. To avoid the green plantain from getting wet, we can also slice the green plantain directly on hot oil. But we should do it quickly.
* Take a pan of oil and heat it . The oil should sizzle , when we drop the green plantain in the oil.Drop the dried green plantain in batches. Cook the chips, on both the sides, till the sizzling sound stops. 

* Strain the chips on a hand towel or a tissue. let the excess oil get absorbed by the towel.
* Toss some salt,chilli powder and mix. Store in air tight container . I know, it cannot be stored,as we munch it now and then.

Serve with tea and enjoy !!!

* Always ,make sure that the green plantain is dry enough to fry. If not the green plantain will not become crispy.
* The oil should be hot ,if not the chips will not be crispy.
* we can also add some pepper powder to spice up the chips instead of chilli powder.
* The chips can stay fresh for 3 to 4 days, if we store them in air tight container.
* Similarly we can prepare potato,tapioca,sweet potato chips.
* Alternativel, we can also bake the chips to decrease the calories.


Expert thoughts.