
Thursday, April 16, 2015

Chocolate Truffle Cake - Baking Partner's Challenge

For this month's "Baking Partner's"challenge, Swathi gave "Chocolate Truffles with chocolate cake". Initially, I thought to make it as cupcake, but changed my mind and made it into a normal cake. Topped the cake with chocolate truffles.One of my friend gave me thisorchid plant. I wasvery much attracted by its purple colour. Loved it. So used to garnish the cake with the flowers.The purple colour complemented the cake very much.The cake is not like our basic chocolate cake.Its moist but dense like the brownie. This recipe was suggested by Suja of "Kitchen Corner".
Recipe Source :
Death by Chocolate Cakes: An Astonishing Array of Chocolate Enchantments  By  Marcel Desaulniers

For the Truffle :
  • Whipping Cream - 1/2 cup
  • Semi Sweet Chocolate - 8 oz
For the Chocolate Cake:
  • Butter - 5 ounce cut into pieces 2 tsp melted
  • All purpose flour - 2/3 cup
  • Unsweetened cocoa - 1/2 cup
  • Semi sweet baking chocolate - 8 ounce
  • Egg-3 large
  • Egg yolk- 2
  • Granulated sugar- 1/2
  • Vanilla extract- 1 tsp
  • Salt - 1/4 tsp
For Chocolate Ganache:
* Semi Sweet Chocolate - 8 oz
* Whipping Cream - 1 cup


Preparing the Chocolate truffle:
* Take a pan, add the whipping cream. Bring it to boil. Pour the cream to the mixing bowl. Close the lid and mix it properly.Freeze the chocolate mixture, for atleast 15 mins. Take them out, roll them into small balls and dust with cocoa powder.Freeze them ,till we need .

Preparing the Cake :
 Melt the chocolate and butter in double boiler. We can melt the chocolate and butter in microwave. Let the mixture cool . Preheat the oven at 325 degree F.

* Sift the cocoa powder,salt and flour. Mix them well. Try to sieve the dry ingredients, atleast twice, this will incorporate air to the mixture.

* Take eggs in a bowl and whisk it till it is frothy.

 * Now slowly add sugar and mix the egg mixture. The sugar should have dissolved into the egg mixture.

* Slowly dump the melted chocolate mixture to the bowl and beat. The egg should have been incorporated into the chocolate mixture.Now slowly add the dry ingredients to the bowl . Scrape the mixture in equal intervals.

*Butter a 8 inch tin and place  a round parchment into the pan. Butter the parchment too.
* Slowly pour the chocolate mixture to the pan and levelthe mixture using a spoon. Drop the tin 3 times to get rid of the air bubbles.
* Bake the Cake for at least 30 minutes or untill the skewers comes out clean. Place the tin on a wire rack for atleast 10 mins. Loosen the sides of the cake, by running a knife.Now turn the cake upside down and let it cool. The cake is soft and dense. It appears like a mud cake. Torte the cake .

Preparing the ganache:
* Bring the whipping cream to boil and add it to the chocolate chips. Let it sit for 10 mins.Now mix the chocolates, till turns into a silky smooth ganache. Let it sit in the counter for atleast 30 minsor untill it is thick . Now frost the cake using the ganache. Chill the cake. While serving, take the chocolate truffles out of the freezer and top the cake with the truffles.

* Freeze the truffles till we need them.
*  The cake will not rise like our normal cake.ITs kind of mud cake.
* We can melt the chocolates with butter in microwave too.
* Refrigerate the cake ,as it is frosted with ganache.
* We can also keep the truffles in refrigerator. But it will take time to firm.


Expert thoughts.