
Thursday, February 6, 2014

Broccoli Sandwich - Iron rich breakfast for kids - step by step

   Broccoli is my family's favourite vege. Rohith and Ashwath love it a lot. I love to sneak the vege in wherever possible. Today tried this easy and quick sandwich for breakfast. I t was creamy and yumm. Broccoli is rich in iron. So try to sneak this in your diet .It helps to lower the cholesterol level in your blood, when it is steamed. Planning to post some dishes using broccoli. Try this simple broccoli stir fry.
1.Whole wheat bread         -        2 slices
2.Broccoli                          -         1/2 cup
3.Cheese                             -         1/2 cup
4.Milk                                 -          2 tbsp
5.Salt                                   -          as per taste
6,Pepper powder                 -          as per taste
7.Garlic pods                       -          1
8.Butter                                -          1 tsp
9.Oil                                     -           1 tsp

* Spread butter on the bread slices. Keep them ready. Take a pan, add little butter and oil.Drop the crushed garlic pods and sauté. Now dump in the washed broccoli and sauté it, till it is soft.

* Now add cheese, salt and pepper. Turn the flame to low, as the cheese will melt and stick to the pan. At this point, broccoli should have cooked well. If not sprinkle some water .

* Now add some milk to the pan. This will help us to collect the cheese, which got stick to the pan. Now make the broccoli as spreadable. That it should not be runny. Turn the flame off.

* When the spread is cooled, spoon the filling on the bread.Close it with the other bread.


* Now grill the sandwich , till it turns golden brown. Tada, your breakfast ready. Its full of  iron.

Slice and serve with ketchup and enjoy!!!




Expert thoughts.