
Monday, November 17, 2014

Lamingtons - International Food challenge - Step by step

     For this month's IFC challenge, Joanne of "What's on the list "blog, has gave us recipes, which are from "Australian cuisine". I chose lamingtons, which was in my to do list for so long. Lamingtons are simple cakes, dipped in chocoltae syrup and rolled in shredded coconut. We can use any cake like sponge cake, butter cake and pound cake. The chocolate syrup here, is prepared from scratch. We can also dip the cake in ready made chocolate syrup and roll them in shredded coconut. I have given the butter cake recipe, which I have baked in rice cooker. You can use the normal oven to bake cake.

Source: Joy of baking 
Serves : 10


*Butter Cake 

I have quartered the recipe Chocolate Frosting:
* 4 cups (1 pound) (450 grams) confectioners' (powdered or icing) sugar, sifted
* 1/3 cup (35 grams) unsweetened natural or Dutch processed cocoa powder
* 3 tablespoons (42 grams) unsalted butter, cut into small pieces
* 1/2 cup (120 ml) milk, at room temperature

* 2 1/2 cups (175 gramsl) unsweetened shredded dried coconut


For preparing Chocolate frosting:
* Take butter,powdered sugar,cocoa powder and milk in pan. Place the pan on a double boiler and cook. The butter will melt with cocoa powder ,powdered sugar and milk. It will be a creamy mix. Don't over cook the sauce, if not it will become blocks. 
 * Slice the cake into small sqaures. Try to prepare the cake , the day before, for a clean cut. Always, trim the cake well.Dip the cake squares in the chocolate sauce using a fork. Place the dipped cake on a wire rack. The excess chocolate sauce will be dripped off .
* Take the shredded coconut in a plate. I just pulsed the coconut in the blender to make it fine. Toss the cake on the dried coconut . Always use a fork to toss the cake with coconut on all sides.
Place the coated lamingtons on a clean plate. Store the lamingtons in air tight container.

* We can also use any pound cake or sponge cake for the lamintons.
* We can also take chocolate chips,butter in a microwave safe bowl and melt the chocolates .
* We can also , dip the cake in ready made chocolate syrup , instead of preparing from scratch.
* If you are going to use fresh coconut, just toss the coconut in a pan , or spread it in a baking tray and toss it in the oven at low temperature.
* Since, we are using coconut, finish the cake withind few days.

Linking this to "International Food Challenge" started by Saraswathi of "Saras's Kitchen".


  1. Looks very soft and yummy. Its been in my to do list for a long time; now surely i am going to try his.

  2. I love this chocolaty soft cake savitha..


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