
Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Charlotte Fair 2015 - A fun filled Saturday Afternoon

 Charlotte Fair: 
        We recently went for "Charlotte Fair". It was a fun filled day for kids and adults. There were so many rides for kids and for us. There were few shows like circus,pirate shows and magic shows.I just captured those moments for my readers and wanted to write an article .It is also as a future reference for me. Intially, we were hesitant in buying a fun pass to take unlimited rides. But after entering the carnival, we felt very bad. Because ,there were many rides ,which we couldn't resist to ride. So we kept this in mind and planned to buy  fun pass next year. This was a 10 day fair. We went on the second day. The below picture shows the entrance to the fair.You can see the holiday spirit. While I was writing this post, the days, where I went to Fair in "Chennai " , came flashing in my mind. My dad used to take us to these exhibitions . Those were fun days.

Check my other articles about trips .
This is the ticket counter. All our kids are waiting eagerly to enter the fair. These tickets are for the rides. 
This was next to the Statfarm booth. This shop is just a kids stop, which offers variety of balloons and toys. Statefarm booth gave all registered members, a lunch box,glasses and bags.There were snack shops, Souvenir shops,
There were rides like these small elephants, monkeys, roller coaster ,scary monster rides,cute bug rides,mini train rides. There were also mega monster trucks, which you can rent and drive . Kids would love theserides. Initially Rohith was hesitant, but after some time, he started to explore the ries with Ashwath.Each ride had ticket system, where you have to give tickets not money. The tickets has to be bought at the entrance.

This was the mini train ride,I was talking about.The whole carriage was occupied by our friends. Rohith got a seat at the front.

This is a cute little caterpillar ride, where Rohith and Ashwath took a ride. Cute looking ride though :)

Here comes the monkey ride. Where the riders are seated inside the monkey and it rotates through a cycle and also rotates itself. There is a steering wheel, which the kids has to rotate to turn fast.

Here comes the most exciting water boat ride for kids. The water was not so deep. Kids should turn the wheel to steer the boat. There were help in every corner for the safety of the kids.Look ,who is driving through the water ? 
Helicopter ride :
             This was my unforgettable - first - helicopter ride in my life time.The helicopter was carrying me and Rohith to the sky. The take off was very smooth. Intereting thing bout this helicopter is ,they don't have doors.I asked the Cashier, she told me that "Its time consuming, for us to open and close the doors. So we took the doors off" . The view was spectcular. Charlotte was fully green ,from the aerial view.
 There were so many activites, like water shooting. We need to aim to the centre of the board and spray water. Which will int turn, raise the lever to touch the monkey. This is actully a competition. The winner will get a stuffed animal. We didn't get any prize though :(

* This is balloon bursting game.,where we have to target a balloon. With three 3 arrows, if we burst all the 3 balloons, then "Ta - Da. we are gifted with these small gifts.

This is another intersting ride. We were given a basket full of balls. We need to throw the balls right into the cups, which are revolving.Its tricky to target the bowls ,as they were revolving.

There were three shows, which we watched. The first one was the "Circus ". The mexican girls were flying in the sky .performing gymnastics.

*Next was this little girl, who performed hoola loops .She was able to rotate her body and balanced around 8 loops. That was spectacular. So talented too.

The third even was this girl, performing aome gymnastics. Watching this ,will bring you goose bumps. It was that incredible. You can see the posture of the girl.

In this picture, she is just balancing her head on a flower stand. This action is so dangerous also, challenging too. She ,surely need an standing ovation. So talented.

* At last, there were 4 bikers,who were just riding inside this ,without crashing each other. Such a daring act .

Pirates show:
 This enacted the story of pirates , in a comical way. These pirates performed some classy shoots too.

Mini Petting Zoo:
This is the petting zoo ,which had sheeps,goats,cows .There were food,which we can buy and feed those hungry animals.   There were sanitizers,everywhere,so we can clean our hands,after touching the animals.We decided to pet the animals,after finishing all the rides.

They were really fun to pet. There was a Texas ox, which was giant and scary.

Most important part, we witnessed the milking of the cow. Where we can use our hands and milk the cow. Both Rohith and Ashwath happy to milk the cows.This is normal in India, but here it was very new to the kids. The lady was very kind .

Here we all - to the end of the "Charlotte Fair ". Thank you all, who travelled with me, throught the fair. Hope you enjoyed viewing and reading. This rticle was pending for a week now. Since , I was down with fever and cold, couldn't write it. Now I am back with an interesting article. Share it with your friends and let them know what is there in "Charlotte Fair ".

1 comment:

  1. Fairs are something I loved going to always. You all seem to have had lot of fun.


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